Did you know it's Computer Science Education Week?
Join the Hour of Code movement and challenge your kids (or yourself) to do just an hour of learning to code during the week of Dec. 8-14, 2014
Many organizations have partnered with code.org to offer many free one-hour computer programming courses (learn to build webpages, apps, games, etc) for kids and adults. For anyone really. Apparently, according to code.org's facebook page, even President Barak Obama has put in his hour of code! Oh and if you are a parent of a preschooler, you'll be happy to hear there are tutorials for younger students (ages 4+) too. A Frozen-themed tutorial. Yep. Just check out code.org
Here are 3 resources where you can find FREE Hour of Code programs.
Hour of Code workshops at Apple Retail Stores - Dec. 11, 2014
Apple is hosting workshops and other special events at local Apple Stores. On December 11th they will be hosting Hour of Code, a free one-hour introduction to the basics of computer programming for kids.
Reservation required! Visit apple.com to sign up.
Hour of Code at Khan Academy
If you already use khanacademy.org for your child's curriculum, you may have already seen the computer programming lessons. This is where I first became aware of Hour of Code. Khan Academy is offering several ways to do Hour of Code including:- Hour of Drawing with Code (Ages 8+) - Learn how to program drawings using JavaScript, finishing up by designing your very own silly animal.
- Hour of Webpages (Ages 8+) - Learn how to make webpages with HTML tags and CSS, finshing up by making your very own greeting card.
- Hour of Databases (Ages 12+) - Like playing with data? Learn how to manipulate data in a database and make your own custom store.
More Hour of Code Learning at Code.org
I first heard of Hour of Code when I saw the free lessons at Khan Academy (khanacademy.org) but there are lots more being offered online. Visit code.org and find several tutorials listed including Hour of Code tutorials for younger children (ages 4+). Your Pre-K student can have fun with a Frozen themed Hour of Code building a winter wonderland with Anna and Elsa (code.org/frozen).
Courses are listed under these topics:
Tutorials for Beginners
'Unplugged' Computer Science
Tutorial apps for phones and tablets
Tutorials in other programming languages
Make your own apps or games
Have fun coding!